Teaching kids about the world of advertising and the visionary freedom of original creative writing – at 35 years it’s the longest running contest of its kind in Kansas!
ADVERTISING: Businesses, churches and service organizations sign up to have your advertisement designed by 4th, 5th and 6th graders in USD 365, Central Heights, Crest, St. Rose and Central Plains schools based on information you provide. When the designs are finished, you’ll then pick from among multiple design entries the design(s) you want published in the Review’s annual contest section. We’ll grade all the ad selections for the very best, and award $25, $15 and $10 to overall winners in each grade.
As an extra bonus, the class which submits the most client designs wins a free pizza party for the entire class.
CREATIVE WRITING: Students submit original writing in the form of short stories, essays, poems, song lyrics – anything that’s original. Our judges will select $25, $15 and $10 winners in each grade as well as multiple honorable mentions which will be published along with the ad designs in our special newspaper section.
Teachers in our participating grades will have details and instructions for students in their classes. Private school or home school wishing to participate can contact the Review directly for contest materials.
To have the kids design an ad for your business, church or civic group, contact the Review ASAP at (785) 448-3121, or email review@garnett-ks.com. Cost is $90 with discounts if you sponsor additional designs.