The National Organization for Women, Association for Women’s Rights in Development, the Feminist Majority Foundation – and all the other phony paragon champions of women rights – have abandoned female athletes on the ridiculous but all-too consequential battleground of post-modern transgender dysphoria.
Their hypocrisy, in their vagina hat wearing, tyically counterfeit general indignation, has been laid bare; their ‘shut up and let the men talk’ subservience shows they’re all too happy to sacrifice women athletes on the altar of transgender wokeness in favor of – wait for it – men.
And so to save women’s sports, female athletes and gender realists who believe in actual fairness and equality must stand up against faux feminism. Since the so-called feminist movement refuses to speak for them, they’re going to have to speak for themselves.
The movement didn’t need another grotesque example, but it got one a month ago. Will Thomas, a three-year men’s collegiate swimmer at Penn State University, who went through a year of chemical conditioning to become “Lia” Thomas, started blowing other female swimmers out of the water. He was allowed to compete on the Penn State womens’ team and easily broke numerous womens’ records, besting the second place finisher in one division by an astounding 38 seconds.
Among those Thomas decimated were members of his own team, of course, and a few summed up the courage to face the woke social media flagellation by speaking out about it.
“Pretty much everyone individually has spoken to our coaches about not liking this,” a woman on the Penn State women’s swim team told Fox News. “Our coach [Mike Schnur] just really likes winning. He’s like most coaches. I think secretly everyone just knows it’s the wrong thing to do. When the whole team is together, we have to be like, ‘Oh my gosh, go Lia, that’s great, you’re amazing.’ It’s very fake.”
And it’s all kosher with NCAA policy and Biden Administration executive orders. Even Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, with the help of 5th District Representative Mark Samsel and others, successfully blocked a Republican bill that would have protected women’s sports from the incursion of men within our borders.
Everyone seems to have an opinion… except the bastions of women’s rights and activism who not so long ago staged a “Women’s March” that drew hundreds thousands of valiant vagina hat wearing soldiers for women’s rights in protest of naughty things President Trump said about women as a private citizen. Notably, President Trump never signed executive orders authorizing men to take women’s sports crowns away from them or took any other action disenfranchising women – but President Joe Biden did.
Confronting such hypocrisy is difficult, especially considering the strident morales presented on modern feminist websites.
“Together we’re rewriting the rules to make this country work for us,” says the Super Majority Education Fund. “Together, we can achieve a vision of equal opportunity for all,” proclaims the American Association of University Women. “End extreme poverty and fight inequality & injustice for women around the world,” says the Global Fund for Women. Apparently not the kind of poverty that comes when you lose your swimming scholarship to a man.
Collegiate women athletes have to get serious if they want to save women’s athletics – the same way black athletes banded together during the Black Lives Matter protests to bring the nation’s attention to the imaginary systemic racism of the nation’s policemen and women. If BLM can convince colleges like the University of Kansas and Kansas State University to stick BLM stickers on their football helmets and sell a contrived narrative of racism to athletes and fans, women athletes should be able to muster a movement of their own to combat an already definable and proven moral threat.
The cowards in the modern feminist movement won’t stand up for them, so these women are going to have to stand up for themselves. If not, one day those standing on the medalist platforms of womens’ sports will all be men.
– Dane Hicks is publisher of The Anderson County Review in Garnett, Kan.